Source code for dftd3.interface

# This file is part of s-dftd3.
# SPDX-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
# s-dftd3 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# s-dftd3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with s-dftd3.  If not, see <>.
Wrapper around the C-API of the s-dftd3 shared library.
It provides the definition the basic interface to the library for most further integration
in other Python frameworks.

The classes defined here allow a more Pythonic usage of the API object provided by the
library in actual workflows than the low-level access provided in the CFFI generated wrappers.

from typing import List, Optional, Union
import numpy as np

from . import library

[docs] class Structure: """ .. Molecular structure data Represents a wrapped structure object in ``s-dftd3``. The molecular structure data object has a fixed number of atoms and immutable atomic identifiers Example ------- >>> from dftd3.interface import Structure >>> import numpy as np >>> mol = Structure( ... positions=np.array([ ... [+0.00000000000000, +0.00000000000000, -0.73578586109551], ... [+1.44183152868459, +0.00000000000000, +0.36789293054775], ... [-1.44183152868459, +0.00000000000000, +0.36789293054775], ... ]), ... numbers = np.array([8, 1, 1]), ... ) ... >>> len(mol) 3 Raises ------ ValueError on invalid input, like incorrect shape / type of the passed arrays """ _mol = library.ffi.NULL def __init__( self, numbers: np.ndarray, positions: np.ndarray, lattice: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, periodic: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ): """ Create new molecular structure data from arrays. The returned object has immutable atomic species and boundary condition, also the total number of atoms cannot be changed. Raises ------ ValueError on invalid input, like incorrect shape / type of the passed arrays """ if positions.size % 3 != 0: raise ValueError("Expected tripels of cartesian coordinates") if 3 * numbers.size != positions.size: raise ValueError("Dimension missmatch between numbers and positions") self._natoms = len(numbers) _numbers = np.ascontiguousarray(numbers, dtype="i4") _positions = np.ascontiguousarray(positions, dtype=float) if lattice is not None: if lattice.size != 9: raise ValueError("Invalid lattice provided") _lattice = np.ascontiguousarray(lattice, dtype="float") else: _lattice = None if periodic is not None: if periodic.size != 3: raise ValueError("Invalid periodicity provided") _periodic = np.ascontiguousarray(periodic, dtype="bool") else: _periodic = None self._mol = library.new_structure( self._natoms, _cast("int*", _numbers), _cast("double*", _positions), _cast("double*", _lattice), _cast("bool*", _periodic), ) def __len__(self): return self._natoms
[docs] def update( self, positions: np.ndarray, lattice: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> None: """ Update coordinates and lattice parameters, both provided in atomic units (Bohr). The lattice update is optional also for periodic structures. Generally, only the cartesian coordinates and the lattice parameters can be updated, every other modification, boundary condition, atomic types or number of atoms requires the complete reconstruction of the object. Raises ------ ValueError on invalid input, like incorrect shape / type of the passed arrays """ if 3 * len(self) != positions.size: raise ValueError("Dimension missmatch for positions") _positions = np.ascontiguousarray(positions, dtype="float") if lattice is not None: if lattice.size != 9: raise ValueError("Invalid lattice provided") _lattice = np.ascontiguousarray(lattice, dtype="float") else: _lattice = None library.update_structure( self._mol, _cast("double*", _positions), _cast("double*", _lattice), )
[docs] class DampingParam: """ Abstract base class for damping parameters, representing a parametrization of a DFT-D3 method. The damping parameters contained in the object are immutable. To change the parametrization, a new object must be created. Furthermore, the object is opaque to the user and the contained data cannot be accessed directly. There are two main ways provided to generate a new damping parameter object: 1. a method name is passed to the constructor, the library will load the required data from the *s-dftd3* shared library. 2. all required parameters are passed to the constructor and the library will generate an object from the given parameters. .. note:: Mixing of the two methods is not allowed to avoid partial initialization of any created objects. Users who need full control over the creation of the object should use the second method. """ _param = library.ffi.NULL def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Create new damping parameter from method name or explicit data""" if "method" in kwargs and kwargs["method"] is None: del kwargs["method"] if "method" in kwargs: self._param = self.load_param(**kwargs) else: self._param = self.new_param(**kwargs) @staticmethod def load_param(method, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("Child class has to define parameter loading") @staticmethod def new_param(**kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("Child class has to define parameter construction")
[docs] class RationalDampingParam(DampingParam): """ Rational damping function for DFT-D3. The original scheme was proposed by Becke and Johnson\ :footcite:`becke2005,johnson2005,johnson2006` and implemented in a slightly adjusted form using only the C8/C6 ratio in the critical for DFT-D3.\ :footcite:`grimme2011` The rational damping scheme has the advantage of damping the dispersion energy to finite value, rather than removing it at short distances. .. note:: The zero damping function is retained for the three-body contributions from the ATM term. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): _rename_kwargs(kwargs, "alpha6", "alp") DampingParam.__init__(self, **kwargs) @staticmethod def load_param(method, atm=True): _method ="char[]", method.encode()) return library.load_rational_damping( _method, atm, ) @staticmethod def new_param(*, s6=1.0, s8, s9=1.0, a1, a2, alp=14.0): return library.new_rational_damping( s6, s8, s9, a1, a2, alp, )
[docs] class ZeroDampingParam(DampingParam): """ Original DFT-D3 damping function,\ :footcite:`grimme2010` based on a variant proposed by Chai and Head-Gordon.\ :footcite:`chai2008` Since it is damping the dispersion energy to zero at short distances it is usually called zero damping scheme for simplicity. However, due to this short-range limit of the dispersion energy a repulsive contribution to the gradient can arise, which is considered artificial.\ :footcite:`grimme2011` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): _rename_kwargs(kwargs, "sr6", "rs6") _rename_kwargs(kwargs, "sr8", "rs8") _rename_kwargs(kwargs, "alpha6", "alp") DampingParam.__init__(self, **kwargs) @staticmethod def load_param(method, atm=True): _method ="char[]", method.encode()) return library.load_zero_damping( _method, atm, ) @staticmethod def new_param(*, s6=1.0, s8, s9=1.0, rs6, rs8=1.0, alp=14.0): return library.new_zero_damping( s6, s8, s9, rs6, rs8, alp, )
[docs] class ModifiedRationalDampingParam(DampingParam): """ Modified version of the rational damping parameters. The functional form of the damping function is *unmodified* with respect to the original rational damping scheme. However, for a number of functionals new parameters were introduced.:footcite:`smith2016` This constructor allows to automatically load the reparameterized damping function from the library rather than the original one. Providing a full parameter set is functionally equivalent to using the `RationalDampingParam` constructor. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): _rename_kwargs(kwargs, "alpha6", "alp") DampingParam.__init__(self, **kwargs) @staticmethod def load_param(method, atm=True): _method ="char[]", method.encode()) return library.load_mrational_damping( _method, atm, ) @staticmethod def new_param(*, s6=1.0, s8, s9=1.0, a1, a2, alp=14.0): return library.new_mrational_damping( s6, s8, s9, a1, a2, alp, )
[docs] class ModifiedZeroDampingParam(DampingParam): """ Modified zero damping function for DFT-D3.\ :footcite:`smith2016` This scheme adds an additional offset parameter to the zero damping scheme of the original DFT-D3. .. note:: This damping function is identical to zero damping for ``bet=0.0``. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): _rename_kwargs(kwargs, "sr6", "rs6") _rename_kwargs(kwargs, "sr8", "rs8") _rename_kwargs(kwargs, "alpha6", "alp") _rename_kwargs(kwargs, "beta", "bet") DampingParam.__init__(self, **kwargs) @staticmethod def load_param(method, atm=True): _method ="char[]", method.encode()) return library.load_mzero_damping( _method, atm, ) @staticmethod def new_param(*, s6=1.0, s8, s9=1.0, rs6, rs8=1.0, alp=14.0, bet): return library.new_mzero_damping( s6, s8, s9, rs6, rs8, alp, bet, )
[docs] class OptimizedPowerDampingParam(DampingParam): """ Optimized power version of the rational damping parameters.\ :footcite:`witte2017` The functional form of the damping function is modified by adding an additional zero-damping like power function. This constructor allows to automatically load the reparameterized damping function from the library rather than the original one. Providing the parameter `bet=0` is equivalent to using rational the `RationalDampingParam` constructor. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): _rename_kwargs(kwargs, "alpha6", "alp") _rename_kwargs(kwargs, "beta", "bet") DampingParam.__init__(self, **kwargs) @staticmethod def load_param(method, atm=True): _method ="char[]", method.encode()) return library.load_optimizedpower_damping( _method, atm, ) @staticmethod def new_param(*, s6=1.0, s8, s9=1.0, a1, a2, alp=14.0, bet): return library.new_optimizedpower_damping( s6, s8, s9, a1, a2, alp, bet, )
[docs] class DispersionModel(Structure): """ .. Dispersion model Contains the required information to evaluate all dispersion related properties, like C6 coefficients. It also manages an instance of the geometry it was constructed for to ensure that the dispersion model is always used with the correct structure input. """ _disp = library.ffi.NULL def __init__( self, numbers: np.ndarray, positions: np.ndarray, lattice: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, periodic: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ): Structure.__init__(self, numbers, positions, lattice, periodic) self._disp = library.new_d3_model(self._mol)
[docs] def set_realspace_cutoff(self, disp2: float, disp3: float, cn: float): """Set realspace cutoff for evaluation of interactions""" library.set_model_realspace_cutoff(self._disp, disp2, disp3, cn)
[docs] def get_dispersion(self, param: DampingParam, grad: bool) -> dict: """Perform actual evaluation of the dispersion correction""" _energy = np.array(0.0) if grad: _gradient = np.zeros((len(self), 3)) _sigma = np.zeros((3, 3)) else: _gradient = None _sigma = None library.get_dispersion( self._mol, self._disp, param._param, _cast("double*", _energy), _cast("double*", _gradient), _cast("double*", _sigma), ) results = dict(energy=_energy) if _gradient is not None: results.update(gradient=_gradient) if _sigma is not None: results.update(virial=_sigma) return results
[docs] def get_pairwise_dispersion(self, param: DampingParam) -> dict: """Evaluate pairwise representation of the dispersion energy""" _pair_disp2 = np.zeros((len(self), len(self))) _pair_disp3 = np.zeros((len(self), len(self))) library.get_pairwise_dispersion( self._mol, self._disp, param._param, _cast("double*", _pair_disp2), _cast("double*", _pair_disp3), ) return { "additive pairwise energy": _pair_disp2, "non-additive pairwise energy": _pair_disp3, }
def _cast(ctype, array): """Cast a numpy array to a FFI pointer""" return ( library.ffi.NULL if array is None else library.ffi.cast(ctype, ) def _ref(ctype, value): """Create a reference to a value""" if value is None: return library.ffi.NULL ref = + "*") ref[0] = value return ref def _rename_kwargs(kwargs, old_name, new_name): if old_name in kwargs and new_name not in kwargs: kwargs[new_name] = kwargs[old_name] del kwargs[old_name]