Source code for dftd3.pyscf

# This file is part of s-dftd3.
# SPDX-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
# s-dftd3 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# s-dftd3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
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PySCF Support

Compatibility layer for supporting DFT-D3 in `pyscf <>`_.

    from pyscf import gto, lib, mcscf, scf
    from pyscf.grad import rhf as rhf_grad
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    raise ModuleNotFoundError("This submodule requires pyscf installed")

import numpy as np
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple

from .interface import (

GradientsBase = getattr(rhf_grad, "GradientsBase", rhf_grad.Gradients)

_damping_param = {
    "d3bj": RationalDampingParam,
    "d3zero": ZeroDampingParam,
    "d3bjm": ModifiedRationalDampingParam,
    "d3mbj": ModifiedRationalDampingParam,
    "d3zerom": ModifiedZeroDampingParam,
    "d3mzero": ModifiedZeroDampingParam,
    "d3op": OptimizedPowerDampingParam,

[docs] class DFTD3Dispersion(lib.StreamObject): """ Implementation of the interface for using DFT-D3 in pyscf. The `xc` functional can be provided in the constructor together with the `version` of the DFT-D3 damping function to use. Possible damping functions are ``"d3bj"``: (default) For rational damping function ``"d3zero"`` For zero damping function ``"d3mbj"`` Modified damping parameters for the rational damping function ``"d3mzero"`` Modified version of the zero damping function ``"d3op"`` Optimized power damping function Custom parameters can be provided with the `param` dictionary. The `param` dict contains the damping parameters, at least s8, a1 and a2 must be provided for rational damping, while s8 and rs6 are required in case of zero damping. Parameters for (modified) rational damping are: ======================== =========== ============================================ Tweakable parameter Default Description ======================== =========== ============================================ s6 1.0 Scaling of the dipole-dipole dispersion s8 None Scaling of the dipole-quadrupole dispersion s9 1.0 Scaling of the three-body dispersion energy a1 None Scaling of the critical radii a2 None Offset of the critical radii alp 14.0 Exponent of the zero damping (ATM only) ======================== =========== ============================================ Parameters for (modified) zero damping are: ======================== =========== =================================================== Tweakable parameter Default Description ======================== =========== =================================================== s6 1.0 Scaling of the dipole-dipole dispersion s8 None Scaling of the dipole-quadrupole dispersion s9 1.0 Scaling of the three-body dispersion energy rs6 None Scaling of the dipole-dipole damping rs8 1.0 Scaling of the dipole-quadrupole damping alp 14.0 Exponent of the zero damping bet None Offset for damping radius (modified zero damping) ======================== =========== =================================================== Parameters for optimized power damping are: ======================== =========== ============================================ Tweakable parameter Default Description ======================== =========== ============================================ s6 1.0 Scaling of the dipole-dipole dispersion s8 None Scaling of the dipole-quadrupole dispersion s9 1.0 Scaling of the three-body dispersion energy a1 None Scaling of the critical radii a2 None Offset of the critical radii alp 14.0 Exponent of the zero damping (ATM only) bet None Power for the zero-damping component ======================== =========== ============================================ The version of the damping can be changed after constructing the dispersion correction. With the `atm` boolean the three-body dispersion energy can be enabled, which is generally recommended. Examples -------- >>> from pyscf import gto >>> import dftd3.pyscf as disp >>> mol = gto.M( ... atom=''' ... C -0.189833176 -0.645396435 0.069807761 ... C 1.121636324 -0.354065576 0.439096514 ... C 1.486520953 0.962572632 0.712107225 ... C 0.549329390 1.989209324 0.617868956 ... C -0.757627135 1.681862630 0.246856908 ... C -1.138190460 0.370551816 -0.028582325 ... Br -2.038462778 3.070459841 0.115165429 ... H 1.852935245 -1.146434699 0.514119204 ... H 0.825048723 3.012176989 0.829385472 ... H 2.502259769 1.196433556 1.000317333 ... H -2.157140187 0.151608161 -0.313181471 ... H -0.480820487 -1.664983631 -0.142918416 ... S -4.157443472 5.729584377 -0.878761129 ... H -4.823791426 4.796089466 -1.563433338 ... C -2.828338520 5.970593053 -2.091189515 ... H -2.167577293 6.722356639 -1.668621815 ... H -2.264954814 5.054835899 -2.240198499 ... H -3.218524904 6.337447714 -3.035087058 ... ''' ... ) >>> d3 = disp.DFTD3Dispersion(mol, xc="PW6B95", version="d3bj") >>> d3.kernel()[0] array(-0.01009386) >>> d3.version = "d3zero" # Change to zero damping >>> d3.kernel()[0] array(-0.00574098) >>> d3.atm = True # Activate three-body dispersion >>> d3.kernel()[0] array(-0.00574289) """ def __init__( self, mol: gto.Mole, xc: str = "hf", version: str = "d3bj", atm: bool = False, param: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None, ): self.mol = mol self.verbose = mol.verbose self.xc = xc self.param = param self.atm = atm self.version = version
[docs] def dump_flags(self, verbose: Optional[bool] = None): """ Show options used for the DFT-D3 dispersion correction. """, "** DFTD3 parameter **"), "func %s", self.xc) self, "version %s", self.version + "-atm" if self.atm else self.version ) return self
[docs] def kernel(self) -> Tuple[float, np.ndarray]: """ Compute the DFT-D3 dispersion correction. The dispersion model as well as the parameters are created locally and not part of the state of the instance. Returns ------- float, ndarray The energy and gradient of the DFT-D4 dispersion correction. Examples -------- >>> from pyscf import gto >>> import dftd3.pyscf as disp >>> mol = gto.M( ... atom=''' ... Br 0.000000 0.000000 1.919978 ... Br 0.000000 0.000000 -0.367147 ... N 0.000000 0.000000 -3.235006 ... C 0.000000 0.000000 -4.376626 ... H 0.000000 0.000000 -5.444276 ... ''' ... ) >>> d4 = disp.DFTD3Dispersion(mol, xc="PBE0") >>> energy, gradient = d4.kernel() >>> energy array(-0.00303589) >>> gradient array([[ 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 9.66197638e-05], [ 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 2.36000434e-04], [ 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, -1.16718302e-04], [ 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, -1.84332770e-04], [ 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, -3.15691249e-05]]) """ mol = self.mol disp = DispersionModel( np.array([gto.charge(mol.atom_symbol(ia)) for ia in range(mol.natm)]), mol.atom_coords(), ) if self.param is not None: param = _damping_param[self.version](**self.param) else: param = _damping_param[self.version]( method=self.xc, atm=self.atm, ) res = disp.get_dispersion(param=param, grad=True) return res.get("energy"), res.get("gradient")
[docs] def reset(self, mol: gto.Mole): """Reset mol and clean up relevant attributes for scanner mode""" self.mol = mol return self
class _DFTD3: """ Stub class used to identify instances of the `DFTD3` class """ pass class _DFTD3Grad: """ Stub class used to identify instances of the `DFTD3Grad` class """ pass
[docs] def energy(mf: scf.hf.SCF, **kwargs) -> scf.hf.SCF: """ Apply DFT-D3 corrections to SCF or MCSCF methods by returning an instance of a new class built from the original instances class. The dispersion correction is stored in the `with_dftd3` attribute of the class. Parameters ---------- mf: scf.hf.SCF The method to which DFT-D3 corrections will be applied. **kwargs Keyword arguments passed to the `DFTD3Dispersion` class. Returns ------- The method with DFT-D3 corrections applied. Examples -------- >>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> import dftd3.pyscf as disp >>> mol = gto.M( ... atom=''' ... N -1.57871857 -0.04661102 0.00000000 ... N 1.57871857 0.04661102 0.00000000 ... H -2.15862174 0.13639605 0.80956529 ... H -0.84947130 0.65819321 0.00000000 ... H -2.15862174 0.13639605 -0.80956529 ... H 2.15862174 -0.13639605 -0.80956529 ... H 0.84947130 -0.65819321 0.00000000 ... H 2.15862174 -0.13639605 0.80956529 ... ''' ... ) >>> mf = converged SCF energy = -110.932603617026 >>> mf.kernel() -110.93260361702605 """ if not isinstance(mf, (scf.hf.SCF, mcscf.casci.CASCI)): raise TypeError("mf must be an instance of SCF or CASCI") with_dftd3 = DFTD3Dispersion( mf.mol, xc="hf" if isinstance(mf, mcscf.casci.CASCI) else getattr(mf, "xc", "HF").upper().replace(" ", ""), **kwargs, ) if isinstance(mf, _DFTD3): mf.with_dftd3 = with_dftd3 return mf class DFTD3(_DFTD3, mf.__class__): def __init__(self, method, with_dftd3): self.__dict__.update(method.__dict__) self.with_dftd3 = with_dftd3 self._keys.update(["with_dftd3"]) def dump_flags(self, verbose=None): mf.__class__.dump_flags(self, verbose) if self.with_dftd3: self.with_dftd3.dump_flags(verbose) return self def energy_nuc(self): enuc = mf.__class__.energy_nuc(self) if self.with_dftd3: edisp = self.with_dftd3.kernel()[0] mf.scf_summary["dispersion"] = edisp enuc += edisp return enuc def reset(self, mol=None): self.with_dftd3.reset(mol) return mf.__class__.reset(self, mol) def nuc_grad_method(self): scf_grad = mf.__class__.nuc_grad_method(self) return grad(scf_grad) Gradients = lib.alias(nuc_grad_method, alias_name="Gradients") return DFTD3(mf, with_dftd3)
[docs] def grad(scf_grad: GradientsBase, **kwargs): """ Apply DFT-D3 corrections to SCF or MCSCF nuclear gradients methods by returning an instance of a new class built from the original class. The dispersion correction is stored in the `with_dftd3` attribute of the class. Parameters ---------- scf_grad: rhf_grad.Gradients The method to which DFT-D3 corrections will be applied. **kwargs Keyword arguments passed to the `DFTD3Dispersion` class. Returns ------- The method with DFT-D3 corrections applied. Examples -------- >>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> import dftd3.pyscf as disp >>> mol = gto.M( ... atom=''' ... O -1.65542061 -0.12330038 0.00000000 ... O 1.24621244 0.10268870 0.00000000 ... H -0.70409026 0.03193167 0.00000000 ... H -2.03867273 0.75372294 0.00000000 ... H 1.57598558 -0.38252146 -0.75856129 ... H 1.57598558 -0.38252146 0.75856129 ... ''' ... ) >>> grad = converged SCF energy = -149.947191000075 >>> g = grad.kernel() --------------- DFTD3 gradients --------------- x y z 0 O 0.0171886976 0.0506606246 0.0000000000 1 O 0.0383596853 -0.0459057549 0.0000000000 2 H -0.0313133974 -0.0125865676 -0.0000000000 3 H 0.0066705789 -0.0380501872 0.0000000000 4 H -0.0154527822 0.0229409425 0.0215141991 5 H -0.0154527822 0.0229409425 -0.0215141991 ---------------------------------------------- """ if not isinstance(scf_grad, GradientsBase): raise TypeError("scf_grad must be an instance of Gradients") # Ensure that the zeroth order results include DFTD3 corrections if not getattr(scf_grad.base, "with_dftd3", None): scf_grad.base = energy(scf_grad.base, **kwargs) class DFTD3Grad(_DFTD3Grad, scf_grad.__class__): def grad_nuc(self, mol=None, atmlst=None): nuc_g = scf_grad.__class__.grad_nuc(self, mol, atmlst) with_dftd3 = getattr(self.base, "with_dftd3", None) if with_dftd3: disp_g = with_dftd3.kernel()[1] if atmlst is not None: disp_g = disp_g[atmlst] nuc_g += disp_g return nuc_g mfgrad = DFTD3Grad.__new__(DFTD3Grad) mfgrad.__dict__.update(scf_grad.__dict__) return mfgrad